Training Overview
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework. Laravel is known as one of the few frameworks that offer flexibility, code reusability, and a rich feature set to create amazing websites and online web applications. In this Best Full Stack Web Design and Development Training Course with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, MySQL, PHP framework Laravel from Scratch by becoming familiar with HTML, Core PHP, and Advance PHP. Becoming familiar with these concepts will decrease the time it takes to learn Laravel. You will Know what MVC is and how it works, understand CRUD, and learn the fundamentals of Laravel to build a life project.
TalhaTraining training course will help you to learn laravel is the easiest way with real live project development.
If you’re ready to start learning web development with Laravel as beginner, our latest course will cover all the basics to get you ready to go. You’ll get set up with all the tools you need to build your own apps in Laravel in this best place to learn web development.
Our mission is to help people learn Laravel and build awesome websites. In this course, we provide all information about our best web development course Laravel. Learn everything in one place of IT training.
Training Objectives
- Complete web development package with learning Laravel from scratch, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and MySQL.
- Building an Inventory System with a Calendar, Customers Management, Account Management, Inventory Management, Invoices Management, and Expenses Management.
- Object-Oriented PHP
- JavaScript, Ajax & jQuery Design
- SSL and email server.
- Online payment methods PayPal Standard and
- Making practical apps to bring your skills to the next level you will complete an Individual / Group projects using the PHP framework Laravel with MySQL.
All Laravel training attendees must have basic knowledge of HTML. The course can be customized to any level of programming and relational database familiarity.
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio
This training class is 80% hands-on, and 20% lecture. Students learn by doing, with immediate opportunities to apply their learning material to real-world problems.
Training Materials
All related software and lecture sheets will provide in class.
Training Outline
- Introduction to HTML5
- Laying out a Page with HTML5
- Page Structure
- New HTML5 Structural Tags
- Page Simplification
- HTML5 – How We Got Here
- The Problems HTML 4 Addresses
- The Problems XHTML Addresses
- The New More Flexible Approach of HTML5 – Paving the Cowpaths
- New Features of HTML5
- The HTML5 Spec(s)
- Current State of Browser Support
- Sections and Articles
- The section Tag
- The article Tag
- Outlining
- Accessibility
- HTML5 Audio and Video
- Supported Media Types
- The audio Element (Audio Formats, Multiple Sources, Audio Tag Attributes, Getting and Creating Audio Files)
- The video Element (Video Tag Attributes, Creating and Converting Video Files)
- Accessibility
- Scripting Media Elements
- Dealing with Non-Supporting Browsers
- HTML5 Forms
- Modernizer
- New Input Types (search, tel, url and email, date/time input types, number, range, min, max, and step attributes, color)
- HTML5 New Form Attributes
- autocomplete
- novalidate
- datalist
- progress and meter
- HTML5 New Form Field Attributes
- required
- placeholder
- autofocus
- autocomplete
- form
- pattern
- HTML5 Web Storage
- Overview of HTML5 Web Storage
- Browser Support
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Prefixing your Keys
- Web Database Storage
- Indexed Database API
- HTML5 Canvas
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Drawing Lines (Multiple Sub-Paths, The Path Drawing Process, The fill() Method)
- Color and Transparency
- Rectangles
- Circles and Arcs
- Quadratic and Bezier Curves
- Images (drawImage() – Basic, drawImage() – Sprites,)
- Text
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Understanding CSS3
- Understanding CSS3 Terminology
- Adding Rules to a Style Sheet
- Adding Selectors
- Working with Multiple Declarations
- Working with Style Sheets
- Embedding a Style Sheet
- Importing an External Style Sheet
- Importing Multiple Style Sheets
- Linking to an External Style Sheet
- Managing Style Sheets
- Selectors and the Cascade
- Understanding Selectors
- Using ID Selectors
- Using Class Selectors
- Using Grouped Selectors
- Using Descendant Selectors
- Looking for the Sources of Styles
- Resolving Style Conflicts with Specificity
- Using the !important Declaration
- Understanding Inheritance
- Revealing Un-styled Documents
- Applying User Style Sheets
- Using CSS3 to Affect Page Layout
- Introducing the CSS3 Box Model
- Creating Simple Floats
- Using Floats for Page Layout
- Fixing Column Drop
- Clearing Essentials
- Containing Floats
- Displaying Elements
- Setting Foreground and Background Properties
- Adding Foreground Colors
- Adding Color to Background Elements
- Adding Background Images
- Repeating Background Images
- Positioning Background Images
- Using the Background Shorthand Declaration
- Using Margins and Borders to Create Whitespace and Separation
- Understanding Margins
- Adding Borders
- Implementing Padding
- Using Negative Margins
- Collapsing Margins
- Styling Tables
- Styling Tables and Captions
- Styling Table Cells
- Styling Column Classes
- Styling Links in Table Cells
- Styling for Print
- Styling for Specific Mediums
- Creating a Print Style Sheet
- Hiding Elements for Print
- Styling for Print
- Applying Complex Styling for Print
- Creating a Footer
- Bringing It All Together
- Working with Text Fragments
- Setting Global Styles
- Defining Masthead and Navbar Colors
- Laying Out the Navbar
- Using Columns
- Setting Content Styles
- Starting the Sidebar
- Creating the Sidebar Boxes
- Completing the Sidebar
- Styling the Table
- Creating the Footer
- JavaScript language fundamentals
- Statements
- Variables and data types
- Operators (for both numbers and strings)
- Conditionals (if-else if-else and switch-case)
- Loops (while, do-while, for)
- Functions
- Understanding JavaScript objects
- The role of objects in JavaScript programming
- Working with methods and properties
- The JavaScript object hierarchy
- The implicit window object
- Event handlers
- JavaScript with forms
- How forms fit into the JavaScript DOM
- Setting focus on a specific field
- Blocking a field from being edited
- Setting field values based on user input
- Basic validation: requiring field values to be filled in
- Handling calculations within forms
- JavaScript with links and images
- Using onMouseOver and onMouseOut to detect the presence of the mouse
- Using onClick to process clicks on hyperlinks
- Having hyperlinks call functions via javascript: URLs
- Conditionally navigating the user to a page when they click a link
- Dynamically swapping one or more images on a page based on the position of the mouse
- JavaScript for navigation
- Overview of the history and location objects
- Building a jump menu
- Navigating the user to a specific page based on their input in a form
- JavaScript for pop-up help
- Pros and cons of having JavaScript open another window
- Generating and sizing a new (child) window via JavaScript
- Communication between the child window and the parent window
- Implementing attractive pop-up help or information windows using JavaScript
- The Document Object Model
- The Legacy DOM
- The W3C DOM Standard
- Traversing the DOM Tree
- Manipulating DOM Elements
Object Oriented PHP Basics
- Object Oriented PHP role in the WWW
- The php.ini File
- Basic PHP Syntax
- PHP Tags
- PHP Statements and Whitespace
- Comments
- PHP Functions
- Hello World!
- Variables
- Variable Types
- Variable Names (Identifiers)
- Variable Scope
- Superglobals
- Constants
- PHP Operators
- Creating Dynamic Pages
- Flow Control
- Conditional Processing
- If Conditions
- Loops
- while
- do…while
- for
- break and continue
- Arrays
- Enumerated Arrays
- Initializing Arrays
- Appending to an Array
- Reading from Arrays
- Looping through Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Initializing Associative Arrays
- Reading from Associative Arrays
- Looping through Associative Arrays
- Superglobal Arrays
- Two-dimensional Arrays
- Reading from Two-dimensional Arrays
- Looping through Two-dimensional Arrays
- Array Manipulation Functions
- Enumerated Arrays
HTML and CSS for Object Oriented PHP
- Links
- Images
- Tables
- Lists
- Forms
- Frames
- Doctypes
- Head, Meta
- URLs
- Webserver
- Syntax
- Id & Class
- Backgrounds, Text, Fonts
- Tables, Border
- Outline, Margin, Padding
- Positioning, Align
- Image, Media Types
- Attribute Selectors
- String Manipulation
- Formatting Strings
- Concatenation
- String Manipulation Functions
- Examples of String Functions
- Magic Quotes
- magic_quotes_gpc
- magic_quotes_runtime
- Recommendation on Magic Quotes
- Formatting Strings
- Reusing Code and Writing Functions
- Including Files
- require
- require_once
- auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file
- User Functions
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Variable Scope
- By Reference vs. By Value
- Form Processing
- Variable Scope
- Including Files
Laravel Framework – Basic PHP with Framework
- About PHP & MySQL
- Advantages of using Framework
- Introducing Laravel Framework
Laravel Framework – Introduction to Laravel
- Understanding Laravel
- Exploring the foundations of Laravel
- Setting up Composer on the Mac
- Setting up Composer on Windows
- Installing Laravel
Laravel Framework – Displaying Views & Understanding Blade
- Working with Blade templating
- Creating and using a basic view
- Passing data into a view
- Loading a view into another view/nested views
- Adding assets
- Creating a view using Blade
- Utilizing advanced Blade usage
- Defining conditions
- Integrating form elements
Laravel Framework – Creating Initial Laravel Pages
- Handling routing
- Establishing an HTML view
- Connecting to a database
- Creating tables with Schema Builder
- Enabling version control with Migrations
- Querying with Eloquent ORM
Laravel Framework – Creating a Laravel Application
- Setting up for authentication
- Creating a registration form
- Logging in and out
- Securing content
Laravel Framework – Configuring the Database
- Connection to The Database
- Database Driver
- Eloquent Driver
- Creating A Migration
- Creating A Model
- Creating A Seeder
Laravel Framework – Configuring Authentication
- Logging In
- Creating A Layout View
- Creating A Login View
- Creating A Login Action
- Authenticating Users
- Redirecting With Input
- Resetting Passwords
- Creating A Password Reset View
- Creating A Password Reset Action
- Working With Authenticated Users
- Creating A Profile Page
- Creating Filters
- Creating A Logout Action
Laravel Framework – Access Control List
- Managing Groups
- Refactoring Migrations
- Listing Groups
- Adding Groups
- Editing Groups
- Deleting Groups
- Adding Users And Resources
- Adding Migrations, Models, And Relationships
- Adding Views
- Seeding Resources
- Saving Relationships
- Advanced Routes
Laravel Framework – Deployment
- Dependencies
- Environment Commands
- Checking Environments
- Setting Environments
- Unsetting Environments
- Asset Commands
- Combining Assets
- Minifying Assets
- Building Assets
- Watching Assets
- Resource Watcher Integration Bug
- Rsync
- Distribute Command
- Copying Files For Distribution
- Removing Development Files
- Synchronizing Files To A Remote Server
- Command Portability
- Preprocessors
- Images
Laravel Framework – API
- Dependencies
- Creating Resources With Artisan
- Creating Resources With Generators
- Generating Migrations
- Generating Seeders
- Generating Models
- Generating Controllers
- Binding Models To Routes
- Troubleshooting Aliases
- Testing Endpoints
- Authenticating Requests
- Using Accessors And Mutators
- Using Cache
Laravel Framework – Packages
- Composer
- Dependency Injection
- Inversion Of Control
- Service Providers
- Organizing Code
- Publishing Configuration Files
- Creating Composer.json
- Submitting A Package To Packagist
- Note On Testing
Laravel Framework – Real Time Chat
- Dependencies
- Bootstrap
- EmberJS
- Ratchet
- ReactPHP
- Ratchet
- Creating An Interface
- Creating A View
- Creating An EmberJS App
- Creating A Service Provider
- Creating A Chat Handler
- Creating A Socket Wrapper
- Creating A Serve Command
- Connecting To The Socket Server
- Wiring Up The Interface
- Showing Chat Messages
- Sending Chat Messages
- Finishing Up The Template
- Note On Nginx
Laravel Framework – Multisites
- Operating Systems
- Server Setup
- Virtual Hosts
- Environments
- Translation
Laravel Framework – Advanced Database with Session & Cooke
- The basic database design concept
- Database relationship
- Database Model Description
- Database Normalization
- Session
- Cooke
Laravel Framework – Online Payment Method
- PayPal Standard
Ajax Basics
- HTTP Request and Response Fundamentals
- The XMLHttpRequest Object
- XMLHttpRequest Methods
- XMLHttpRequest Properties
- Cross-Browser Usage
- Sending a Request to the Server
- Basic Ajax Example
Ajax with server side scripting language
- Bringing in the Ajax: GET vs. POST
- Passing Values
- Client-Driven Communication, Server-Side Processing
- Basic Examples
- Expanding and Contracting Content
- Auto-Complete
- Form Validation
- Tool Tips
jQuery Basics with Example & Selectors
- About jQuery
- How jQuery Works
- jQuery: The Basics
- Launching Code and Complete Examples
- Using selectors and events
- Selectors
- Basics & Hierarchy
- Basic, Content, Visibility, Attribute & Child Filters
- Forms & Form Filters
Building an Inventory System – day one
- Home – Text Box
- Calendar – Add Event
- Calendar – Add the most important things
- Calendar – Follow-up
- Calendar – Week view
Building an Inventory System – day two
- Customers – View customers
- Customers – View contacts
- Customers – Add new
- Customers – Import Customers
- Customers – Tell a friend
Building an Inventory System – day three
- My Account – My profile
- My Account – Change Password
- My Account – Cancel Membership
- My Account – Submit testimonials
- My Account – Submit suggestions
- My Account – Submit tips
- My Account – Tell a friend
- My Account – Download Brochure
Building an Inventory System – day four
- Inventory – My Inventory
- Inventory – My Inventory: Personal Product
- Invoices – View Invoices
- Invoices – Create Invoice
Building an Inventory System – day five
- Expenses – Expenses
- Expenses – Income
- Expenses – Add Income
Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.
Seats are limited. To confirm your enrollment, pay the course fee @
A/C Name: | TalhaTraining |
A/C No.: | 2141116000973 |
Bank Name: | Prime Bank Limited |
Routing Number | 170263614 |
And mail us after paying the course fee.
For registration or information please call or contact any of the following addresses
Mobile & WhatsApp 01712742217
Email: or
Office Address: 12F, Dolonchapa-2, Flat#301, Rajuk Uttara Apartment Project, Sector 18, Uttara, Dhaka – 1230
Course Features
- Lectures 223
- Quiz 0
- Duration 60 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English, Bengali
- Students 8956
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes